About VUPakistan

An ultimate blog with an expanding source of articles, books, videos, softwares, pictures, information and much more.

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vupakistan.blogspot.com is a home of entertainment, refreshment, news-views, songs, articles, pictures, videos for students and others, so that after hours of studying, they gather at a platform of rich of colors of life and refresh themselves.

Have you signed yet? YEH HUM NAHEEN

The Yeh Hum Naheen Foundation is a Pakistan based non-profit organisation that was established under the Societies Act of Pakistan in October 2007, with the following key aims:

  • To reinforce the point that Islam is a peaceful faith that promotes tolerance and harmony.
  • To develop an awareness among people regarding the issues of the growing radicalization of Pakistani youth.
  • To promote better understanding and co-existence of Muslims around the world among non-Muslim communities.
  • To convey that the majority of Muslims do not support the rise in terrorism, and to deny Muslims the opportunity for involvement in terrorist activities.
  • To show the positive impact of Pakistan and Muslims around the world, and remove the distance between east and west through media education.

So sign now and condemn terrorism


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